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women's impact network of eagle county

2023-2024 Scholarship Cycle



Abbey Evans*

Adi Slifer

Adriana Bombard*

Alice Feagan

Alisha Bosco*

Allison Krausen*

Amy Coyer*

Amy Gish*

Amy Kazma

Amy Novak*

Amy Woodworth

Andrea Eddy*

Ann Siegal*

Anne Kubik

Anne Verratti*

Anne-Marie Keane

Attwood Hoffman

Barbara Scrivens

Barrett Phillips

Becky Kinney*

Bonnie Goldberg

Brigid O'Connor, MBA

Brittany Berman

Carey Anderson Rash*

Carla Miller Brown

Carly Keliman

Carol Pattison*

Caroline O'Connor*

Carolyn Reihe*

Carter Sharfstein*

Caryl Hahn

Catherine Cox

Christy Hanson

Claudia Winkleman*

Courtney St. John

Cynie Youngwirth

Cynthia Helle

Cynthia Pillsbury*

Dana Nightengale

Deb Douglas

Debbie Merritt*

Education Foundation of Eagle County

Elaine Kelton

Elizabeth Sipes

Euginnia Seyferth*

Gail Mahoney

Gretchen Ebbeson

Heather Viola

Heidi Havenstrite*

Hilary Magner*

Holly Proctor

Jamie Gray

Jean Liu Urquhart

Jennifer Ebner*

Jennifer Geisman*

Jennifer Voorhees

Jessica Broerman

Jill Anderson

JMPM Fund*

Joanne Cohen

Jodi Steel

Karen Ryan

Karen W, Plunkett

Karmen Serbinski *

Kathleen Eck

Kelli Rohrig

Kelly Synnott

Kerry Roach*

Kerry Willoughby*

Kirsten Fink

Kris Sunderland

Lauren Bonati*

Laurie O'Connell*

Lea Miller-Tooley

Leesa Samuels

Leslie Vidal

Liesl Hepburn/RA Nelson

Lisa Burns

Liz Smith

Madeleine Asplundh

Maggie Jarrett

Malena Wiggin

Mandy and Tom Jaffe

Mary Ellen Anderson*

McKinley Lee*

Melissa Aragones Kim *

Melissa Provencher*

Molly Braxton*

Molly Kipp

Nadine Lober

Nancy Cole*

Nicole Magistro*

Nicole Rosener

Nora Astley

Page Slevin

Patrice Ringler

Patricia Willoughby*

Polly Hastie*

Rachel Viele*

Raechal Ferguson

Rebeca Hanrahan*

Samantha Gerstein

Samantha Hodgkins*

Samantha Thompson*

Sara Friedle

Sarah Cook*

Sarah Johnson*

Stacey Birtwhistle*

Stephanie Linafelter

Studio James*

Susan Whitecotton*

Tamar Giorgadze

Tanya Kessenich

Teresa Tsai*

Tina Vardaman

Tina Wilson*

Tonya Frank

Tracey McFadden*

Wendi Hanlon*

Wendy Nichamin*

Whitney Smith

Yvonne Jacobs


*Founding Member

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